5 Ways to Elevate Your Mental Well-Being

Mental health has become such a hot topic over the past few years and honestly, it's for the best. There has historically been this element of shame and misinformation about mental health, especially within the black community. About 10 years ago I started my own journey with mental health and really taking it seriously. After what I considered to be a life altering event, I knew deep down that it was important that I talk to a professional or I would see the negative effects of suppressing, ignoring, and denying my emotions. Something I was all too familiar with. 

 Just because we have learned to cope with our feelings in unhealthy ways does not mean we have to keep operating in that space. Mental health affects so many facets of our lives, so there is no shame in making sure we take care of that part of our lives. Just like we find ways to take care of our physical health, we can do the same with our mental health.  On my journey to improve my mental health, I have found the following to be beneficial. Check out this list of helpful tips.

  1. Give yourself Grace:

    This is such an important part of the mental health journey. As you continue to heal and acknowledge any potential traumas or unhealthy thinking, it will be tempting to be hard on yourself. While that may be a natural reaction it's ok to extend that version of yourself some grace and forgiveness. You are just now learning how to operate from a healthier place – that does not happen overnight. Be patient with yourself. 

  2. Talk to a professional:

    Talking to a professional is a huge step in creating a better mental space. I say professional, because sometimes while the people in our lives may mean well, there is only so much they can do and say to help you on your journey. More often times than not it takes someone who has degrees/licenses in the mental health field to help us get to the root of our problem/suffering. Not only that, they can provide the right resources or point us in the right direction to get continued help. 

  3. Invest in Mental Health Books, Podcasts, or Audiobooks:

    As cliché as it may sound, reading books about mental health and how others have overcome their own battles is very beneficial. You start to realize that you aren't alone and that others have gone through and fought something similar to what you may be dealing with. It helps to know that you aren't "weird", "extra", or "dramatic" for struggling with your mental health. If reading isn't something you enjoy, podcasts and audiobooks are also options as well!  

  4. Journal:

    This is such a lifesaving practice, when used with consistency. Sometimes it feels like we don't know where to start or what to say. We have so many thoughts swirling around in our head and feel like it's too much to even say. But I have learned that once you start writing, the thoughts and words don't stop flowing. Sometimes you need a safe place to put your thoughts no matter what they are, and a journal can be the perfect confidant for you. 

  5. Surround Yourself with A Solid Support System:

    Having a support system is one the most important factors on a journey to better mental health. You want to have people who understand the importance of mental health and will encourage you to do what's best for you. Sometimes people feel like seeking help is unnecessary, but don't be swayed by others' bias or misinformation. Do what's best for you and keep those around you who wat that as well. 

    While we may not know what others are battling, we are aware that we have our own mental health struggles. Keeping that reality in mind, we can continue to seek help, support others, and create a safe space in our communities for others to be a part of. 


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